Friday, 12 February 2010


I’ve not written in a while but I’d like to discuss something topical and close to my heart – Manchester United’s appearance in Carling Cup Final on 28th (just got my tickets!!)

No – it’s about Families Utd’s call for an E-ASBO. I know from working with the families (and others in this sector) that they are ordinary everyday people with an incredible honesty, drive and dignity who deserve support. To have the people who murdered your child be able to have contact in any way is deeply upsetting and hurtful.

However putting personal emotions aside, the recent news that Facebook have agreed to remove 30 pages and Jack Straw promised changes to support this initiative are great examples of what can be done.

The excellently organised and efficiently responsive reaction from the whole team involved with Families Utd  proves that change for good can happen – as long as the collective will is there, which in this case it obviously was.

It was a victory for common sense and the little man, but what has interested me about the debate has been the public reaction from around the world. From Shanghai to Australia to America – the world has had its say.

The debate inevitably revolves around prison conditions – what should prison be?

Should they be a place for hard reflective time or one for rehabilitation?
Should they have access to game consoles, Sky TV, computers etc, whilst many decent honest people cannot afford such luxuries?

I think that a real 360 approach is needed on this specific issue. I don’t believe in censorship, but I do believe in protection. I think that Families Utd’s call for an E-ASBO is the right call – a blanket restriction on electronic usage much like the physical restrictions in a normal ASBO

I know its not fool proof, but it is a step. Further steps are needed and I think that Facebook, in this case, (where are the rest – Twitter, Bebo etc) can lead the way - if some creative technical energy can be put into addressing abuse/bullying issues then great. I mean it can’t be that hard to roughly locate the GPS co-ordinates if a mobile phone is used to upload content – a clear paper trail and proof for extending sentences.

We need to accept technology is here, and work together, not against it so we remain in control.

I also like Jack Straw’s approach to improving search/scanning equipment in prisons combined with restrictions that affect parole/probation periods. The only way to get rid of bullys is to stand up against the them and, as I said previously,  it is a small important victory which reeks of common sense.

I would love to know what you think – please spend a minute recording your honest view on what you’ve read – or alternatively (if you agree) join the campaign by either signing the E-petition here or joining the Facebook Group here.

I'll leave the last word to Barry Mizen speaking on ITN